Our partnership held a significant online meeting today aimed at guiding the AWARE project towards enhanced success. The meeting agenda comprised several key items:
1. Progress Update (PR2): We thoroughly examined the revised implementation plan and the remaining tasks to ensure that we are effectively aligned with our objectives.
2. Latest Developments (PR3): To maintain momentum, we shared the most recent updates pertaining to the project.
3. Preview of the Final Conference: Anticipating an exciting period ahead, we presented the initial concept for our final conference, along with the plans for multiplier events and transfer seminars.
4. Dissemination Strategies: Our discussions focused on effective methods for disseminating the project’s impact through reporting, newsletters, and the utilization of our website.
5. Quality Assurance: With a commitment to delivering outstanding results, we reviewed the current status of our quality assurance efforts.
Together, we are making significant progress towards a more conscious and sustainable future.
Stay tuned for more updates as we’re making strides to develop cybersecurity AWAREness and competencies
#AWAREProject #PartnershipMatters #Cybersecurity